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What is large pores reduction?


We lose collagen in our skin as we age, making skin much less elastic. As a result, our skin pores may also get much larger, which will increase the number of facial imperfections such as sagging skin, blackheads, and oily skin. Laser pore tightening is the quick, painless, highly effective procedure that works by penetrating deep into the skin’s dermal layer to stimulate new collagen formation. The new collagen formation plumps up your skin, which will tighten skin and reduce pore size.


What to know about pre-treatment?


Avoid the sun or tanning booths for at least 4-6 weeks before and during treatments. If you are going to receive treatment in sun-exposed areas, apply sunblock (at least SPF 40) multiple times a day for one month before and during treatments.


Do not use any irritating substances on the treated areas (i.e., Retinol, Retin-A, exfoliating, glycolic acids, alpha-hydroxyacids, or hair removal products, etc,) for 2 weeks before each treatment.

If you have a history of herpes (or cold sores), you may need antiviral medication. This should be started at least one day before laser treatment and continued for one week afterward.

Come to our facility with the treatment areas clean and without makeup(if possible), lotion, or any type of cream.


What to know about post treatment?


There may be redness or some swelling in the treated areas for a few hours. The skin will be sensitive, similar to sunburn. Therefore, treat the skin gently. You should keep the skin moist with either Aquaphor Healing Ointment or Aloe Gel or any other recommendations by your Consultant. If any blistering or scabbing develops, switch to Bacitracin Ointment and call the office or your primary care doctor.

Do not pick, rub, scrub, or scratch the areas. Do not use any irritating substances on the treated areas (i.e., Retin-A, glycolic acids, alpha-hydroxyacids, or hair removal products, for 2 weeks after the treatment or until the skin returns to normal.


Avoid the sun or tanning booths & apply sunblock (at least SPF 40) multiple times a day during the course of the treatments.


Keep the treated areas away from heat for 24 hours. Maintain a cool temperature to your shower or bath water because the skin will be extra sensitive to heat.


You may start using makeup again as soon as the skin looks and feels back to normal. You should keep the skin moist by using either Aquaphor Healing Ointment or Aloe Gel or any other recommendations by your Consultant under the makeup.


The treated area should be ready for the next session in about 3-8 weeks.



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