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Click on the links below for more details:

  • Collagen Renewal

Vascular Reduction

Acne and Acne Scar Reduction

Large Pores Reduction

Pigmentation Reduction

What is Skin Rejuvenation & Collagen Renewal?


The infrared light penetrates deep into the lower dermal levels to trigger a mild trauma in order to initiate a wound/heal response in the periorbital areas. The collagen found in these levels responds with new growth which returning firmness and elasticity to the skin.


This treatment is perfect for fine lines and newly developed wrinkles.


What to know about pre-treatment?


Avoid the sun or tanning booths for at least 4-6 weeks before and during treatments. If you are going to receive treatment in sun-exposed areas, apply sunblock (at least SPF 40) multiple times a day for one month before and during treatments.


Do not pick, rub, or scratch the area. Do not use any irritating substances on the treated area (i.e., Retinol, Retin-A, exfoliating, glycolic acids, alpha-hydroxyacids, or hair removal products, etc,) for 2 weeks before and during treatments.

No bleaching, plucking, tweezing, electrolysis or waxing of hairs in the desired treatment area 4 weeks before and during treatments.


Keep the treated areas away from heat for 24 hours.


If you have a history of herpes (or cold sores), you may need antiviral medication. This should be started at least one day before laser treatment and continued for one week afterward.


Come to our facility with the treatment area clean and without makeup (if possible), lotion, or any type of cream.


What to know about post-treatment?


There may be redness or some swelling in the treated area for a few hours. The skin will be sensitive, similar to sunburn. Therefore, treat the skin gently. You may start using makeup again as soon as the skin looks and feels back to normal. You should keep the skin moist with either Aquaphor Healing Ointment or Aloe Gel or any other recommendations by your Consultant under the makeup. If any blistering develops, switch to Bacitracin Ointment and call the office.


Do not pick, rub, scrub, or scratch the area. Do not use any irritating substances on the treated area (i.e., Retin-A, glycolic acids, alpha-hydroxyacids, or hair removal products, for 2 weeks after the treatment or until the skin returns to normal.


Avoid the sun or tanning booths & apply sunblock (at least SPF 40) multiple times a day during the course of the treatments.


Keep the treated areas away from heat for 3-5 days. Maintain a cool temperature to your shower or bath water because the skin will be extra sensitive to heat.



** please note, IPL is NOT recommended for darker skin tones. IPL is designed to help pull up pigment in the skin, which is something that should be avoided for patients with dark skin tones as this can cause hyperpigmentation or hypopigmentation. Further, putting heat on skin that already has a tendency to pigment will likely only worsen the pigmentation issues. While this treatment isn’t ideal for darker skin tones, there are various other treatment options available that help remove dark marks from black skin safely, such as a series of chemical peels **

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